8 Essential Steps Of SEO & How to Maintain


Search Engine Optimization is soon becoming popular in the Internet marketing strategy. It is just another technique used by business owners to make their brand visible during a search in the general Web by current and potential customers.

For most of website owners, it is very important to stay on the first page of search results of search engines. Therefore, they put time and effort on the strategies of search engine optimization. They do not know that the optimization of search engine rankings of a website should also go hand in hand with the optimization of the usability of the website for visitors. In short, if people can find the website through search engines, then once they visit the website to be able to make use of it. There are some important features how to increase the ranking in search engines are:-

1. Content – Optimize your website using video and text on your pages.

2. Configuration of directories – Ensure that your site is properly ‘silo’ structured, internally linked and search engine optimized for top rankings in the search engines that allow potential customers to easily find your site in the search for products and services correctly.

3. Keyword research – Keyword and key phrases of low competition in high search engine is a big part of getting good rankings. These abilities are a vital part of an internet marketer’s arsenal.

4. Optimization – A search engine optimized the silo structure, highly targeted directory, and built a profitable keyword niches round, get your website indexed easily and provide ranking of search engines.

5. Links Directory – Beginning a campaign links to external web sites with relevant texts semantically optimized anchor.

6. On Site SEO (search engine optimization) – Having a good SEO on the site is a vital aspect in acquiring good rankings. Much will appropriate SEO techniques, and these skills are something that you have to acquire.

7. Back Links – A link is a link from any other web site pointing back to yours. The more “back links” can be the best.

8. High quality content – This is extremely important for their customer’s in internet marketing. If they see that your website has valuable information they can use or pass on to others, then the probability that they will visit your website again is high. Consider having a unique, creative and up your website content for your target market.

How to Maintain Seo on Daily Basis:

Every blogger knows the importance of SEO in the field of blogging. How important optimization is to drive traffic to the blog and also to get indexed in the search results. The whole process involves a lot of daily tasks that are needed to performed on the daily basis.

Here is a checklist of all such tasks, which you don’t want to miss out on any of them.

1. Using H1 H2 and H3 Tags

Make sure that all your important keywords and key phrases are in H1, H2 and H3 tags. These tags are identified by the search engines as the most important part of your article or in other words text in these tags tell the search engine’s robot, what the article is all about, so obviously you would love to stuff keywords/keyphrases in these tags.

2. Bold and Italic Tags

Well same goes with these tags, so do put in your keywords and key phrases in these tags as well. According to a research done by SeoMoz, Google gives slightly more priority to Italic tags than Bold tags, so in case you don’t want to irritate your readers with bold texts you can opt Italic tags.

3. Alt Attribute of Images

Images speak thousand words, but for search engine robots they don’t, until you have written something in the image’s Alt attribute, because that’s what tells the robot what the image is about. So do stuff the keywords in Alt attributes of all images that you use in the article.

4. Share on Social Media

First three steps are the processes of basic optimization and making your article SEO ready. But after that you need to promote your article as well. The best means of doing it is perhaps sharing your article on Social Media like Twitter, Facebook etc. If you have a strong network then your article is bound to get viral.

5. Article Submissions

Submit your article to sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Reddit etc. There are many article directories where you can submit your article and get it linked back to your blog like Ezine, ArticleBase etc. In my later posts I will come out with a list of such directories soon.

6. Commenting

Make it a habit of commenting to atleast 5 same niche blogs everyday. Look out for some do follow blogs and comment on them regularly. It helps in getting noticed by fellow bloggers and also by the reader community.

Well in case I have missed out on any of the points, feel free to add them via commenting


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