With the given popularity of WhatsApp, chances are that everyone in your contact list might be using WhatsApp, and thus you would be receiving zillions of messages every day. Receiving such huge number of messages is in itself an irritating task and on the top that, if you don’t reply to someone, he/she will get hurt. With ‘Last Seen Time’ in WhatsApp, you can’t even hide yourself.
WhatsApp has already rolled out an update feature for iPhone users so as to hide Last Seen Time, but for Android, there is no default feature as such. But there are several apps available to hide Last Seen Time in your Android.
Hide WhatsApp Last Seen
It deactivates the data connection and wifi network while you are using Whatsapp, and reactivates when you will leave Whatsapp. With this app you can read and send WhatsApp messages without displaying your last connection, but the messages will be sent when you leave WhatsApp.
WhatsHide – Block last seen
This is yet another Android app to hide last seen time by Nabiltitou. Simply open WhatsApp from this app, and start using WhatsApp from this app. The ‘Last Seen Time’ stamp will not appear. The only drawback of this app is that you have to use WhatsApp from this app, and if you directly use WhatsApp, then it will not work.
WhatsApp Hide LastSeen
WhatsApp Hide LastSeen is similar to the app mentioned above. You need to use WhatsApp from this app to hide last seen time stamp.
Whatsapp Not Last Seen
Last but not the least, this app deactivates your phone’s internet connection while Whatsapp is running on your mobile phone. It doesn’t allow the servers to update your last message reading (i.e Last Seen) status.
Use following settings in this app for best results-
This app is not available on Google Play, so we have provided you with another link, so simply download it and install so as to hide the last seen time in WhatsApp.
Do share any other Android App to hide Last Seen Time. And in case you find any difficulty in using the above-mentioned apps, then feel free to as us by commenting below. Meanwhile happy reading